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Solo and Duo Exhibition




Der Wurf:

"Vom Unbewußten ins Bewußte..."

White Square Gallery

Berlin, Germany

Solo Exhibition




Riflessioni contemporanee

Casina Vanvitelliana

Museum Site of the Parco Borconico

Lake Fusaro - Bacoli, Italy

Solo Exhibition




Grida ribelli e Abbracci proibiti

Santa Margherita Nuova

Municipal, historical Monument

Procida Island,

Italian Capital of Culture 2022

Solo Exhibition


Rosenhang Museum

Weilburg, Germany

Solo Exhibition





PAN, Palazzo Arti Napoli

Museum of Contemporary Art

Naples, Italy - Solo Exhibition  





Abbracci di Mare e Colori

Santa Margherita Nuova

Municipal, historical Monument

Procida Island, Italy

Solo Exhibition





Mariella Ridda

Per il ciclo "Un Maestro d'Arte Contemporanea a Rivisondoli"

Museo Civico del Presepe

Municipal Museum of the Nativity Rivisondoli, Italy - Solo Exhibition

Étreintes, mer et couleurs

Salles Voûtées

Municipal Gallery of Cassis, France

Solo Exhibition 

As part of a cultural project by the CCIFM (Italian Chamber of Commerce for France/Marseille)




Mare, Abbracci e Colori

Santa Margherita Nuova

Municipal, historical Monument

Procida Island, Italy

Solo Exhibition

As part of the Campania Region project for cultural and tourist development

Mare, Abbracci e Colori

Villa Matarese

Municipal, historic Building

Monte di Procida (Na), Italy

Solo Exhibition  

As part of the Campania Region project

for cultural and tourist development


Umarmung | Die Farbe der Frau

Gallery Z22

Berlin, Germany

Duo Exhibition




Donne di parola

Casina Pompeiana

Municipal Historical Exhibition Building Naples, Italy - Trio-Exhibition





Made in Culture

Ass. Cult. Premio Elsa Morante

Arena Flegrea - Naples, Italy

Duo Exhibition


Made in Culture

Ass. Cult. Premio Elsa Morante

Museo Civico Gaetano Filangieri 

Municipal Museum - Naples, Italy

Duo Exhibition


Made in Culture

Ass. Premio Elsa Morante

PAN, Palazzo Arti Napoli

Museum of Contemporary Art

Naples, Italy - Duo-Exhibition

Group Exhibitions,

Art Fairs  (Selection)




Art Exhibition in Tokyo

30 years of Town twinning

between Berlin-Tokyo

Japan-Europe Palace Art Association

Tokyo Tower - Tokyo, Japan

Japan Art Festival in Berlin

Japan-Europe Palace Art Association Charlottenburg Palace, Great Orangery

Berlin, Germany



Hungry for Love

Gallery Michaela Helfrich

Berlin, Germany




Geballte Frauenpower

Special exhibition for the

5th Anniversary of the

Rosenhang Museum,

Weilburg, Germany  2022 - 2024


Elvira Bach - Cornelia Schleime - SEO

Sabina Sakoh - Jiny Lan - Lilli Elsner

Johanna Flammer - Mariella Ridda

Sultan Adler - Annette Merrild

Die Werkschau 2022 * 2 - Paintings, drawings and more

Gallery Z22

Berlin, Germany




Japan Art Festival (Tokyo)

Japan-Europe Palace Art Association Metropolitan Theater

Gallery1 - Tokyo, Japan


Japan Art Festival (Berlin)

Japan-Europe Palace Art Association Charlottenburg Palace, Great Orangery

Berlin, Germany




Show | Arte e Moda

Galleria Borbonica

Underground Museum

Naples, Italy 



Friedrich Schiller University

External exhibition by Gallery Z22

Jena, Germany




Heimat | Von Ver- und entwurzelten

Gallery Z22 - Berlin, Germany



Galleria Borbonica  - Underground Museum - Naples, Italy





Art Bodensee

Gallery Blond & Blond

Lake Constance, Austria - Art Fair


Christmas Exhibition

Starke Löwenpalais Foundation

Berlin, Germany                 


Sex Sells

Gallery Z22

Berlin, Germany


Art Festival 2017 (Tokyo)

Cultural Exchange Project Europe-Japan Metropolitan Theater

Tokyo, Japan


Art Festival 2017 (Berlin)

Cultural Exchange Project Europe-Japan Charlottenburg Palace, Great Orangery

Berlin, Germany


Kunstraum F 200

Berlin, Germany


L'Oro Di Napoli

Galleria Borbonica

Underground Museum

Naples, Italy


9th art auction

in favor of the child protection center Berlin - in the publishing house

"Der Tagesspiegel "

Berlin, Germany




Ringoseika Gallery

Cultural Exchange Project Europe-Japan Tokyo, Japan


Japan & Europe Art

Cultural Exchange Project Europe-Japan

Sumida Riverside Hall

Tokyo, Japan




Art Festival 2015

Cultural Exchange Project Europe-Japan Charlottenburg Palace, Great Orangery  Berlin, Germany

Museum Collections





Rosenhang Museum

Weilburg, Germany




Museo Civico Rivisondoli

Municipal Museum

Rivisondoli, Italy



Museo Civico del Presepe

Municipal Museum of the Nativity Rivisondoli, Italy

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